Thursday, January 3, 2013


Have you ever asked God for His word for you in the new year?

One of my best friends is a missionary, and every year we ask God that question. Often over the years, we have received the very same word. Other years, they seem to dovetail together.

When I asked her what her word was this year, she told me, "Prepare."

--your heart
--for spiritual warfare
--for the coming of the Messiah
--to lean on the Lord even more

That is an awesome word. Mine was a little different. Butterfly. Yes, I said butterfly.

Of course, I had to ask the Lord what He meant by that. He said it was the year for me to break out of my chrysalis in several ways--mentally, physically, even spiritually. It would be a year of renewal and new hope.

A different writing opportunity was presented to me late in 2012. It will take me out of my comfort zone back into things I was involved in more than two decades ago. Exciting things. Things that I thought were over in my life forever. 

After all, I just turned seventy years old. That's the time to slow down, isn't it?

My answer to that is a resounding, "No!"

But when I found out what was coming my way, I had to laugh. Then I looked up and said out loud there in my office3, "You know, Lord, it's you and me now. And it's way more you than it is me."

So I, too, must prepare to lean on the Lord more and listen to His counsel as I embark on this new adventure.

I ask you once again, have you ever asked God for His word for you in the new year? 

When you do, come back here and leave a comment letting me know what He told you. We all learn more about Him as we share what He's doing in our lives.


Martha W. Rogers said...

I'm still waiting on a word for this year. It'll come. I just have to listen harder.

Jackie Layton said...

Like Martha, I need to listen harder.

I"m close to picking praise as my word for 2013.

I found a note I wrote in Psalms...pure praise asks for nothing.

Happy New Year!

Darrel Nelson said...

"Take better care of yourself" is my focus this year. Better care physically and spiritually. My wife and I have started a modest exercise regime and are on an 8-week program that not only emphasizes eating healthier and exercising regularly, but also emphasizes reading our scriptures and saying our daily prayers. A well-rounded program that hopefully will take some of the "roundedness" off us.

Martha W. Rogers said...

My word is SEEk. I want to seek God's will in everything I do and in every decision I make. I want to walk with Him and seek His face and His wisdom.