After months of much anticipation, I’m finally here in North Carolina at the Gideon Media Arts Conference & Film Festival (see and the Summer In The Mountains Novel Retreat. Normally Gideon is held here at the Lifeway/Ridgecrest Conference Center without the fiction portion; however, this year the directors, Lori Marett and her husband Rodney, decided to add the Novel Retreat program. It’s been great and yesterday about 10 of us published novelists were able to “speed date” with film producers. I dream BIG, I know it, but I can so see one of my stories, including my latest Realms/Charisma House novels, playing out on the Hallmark Channel!
With a few nervous flutters in my stomach, I gave my pitch 8 times to the 8 producers within the given 7 minute timeframe, and 2 of them encouraged me as far as my big dream.
It was fun to meet Brian Bird. He’s produced several movies and was co-executive producer of the TV series Touched by an Angel (one of my favorites). Brian also wrote some of the episodes for the hit show. More recently, he’s produced the movie The Shunning. He also wrote the screenplay, which was adapted from Beverly Lewis’ best-selling novel. Brian’s advice to me was to find a screenwriter with whom I can work – you know, one who gets contemporary and historical romance. Not everyone does, readers and screenwriters included.
I had another great conversation with Isaac Hernandez. He worked for TBN and is now with Parables (that’s television, not bookstore chain). Christian cable television is an up-and-coming trend (FINALLY!). Now what’s need are good, clean, wholesome, Christian stories. YAY!
Well, I’ve got plenty of those!

Yes, this conference has really been amazing so far. Workshops during the day and Christian movies shown each night. I’d recommend this conference to anyone in Christian arts and entertainment. I’m learning a lot – about the industry and about myself as a writer. I’ll admit, there have times during this conference when I’ve felt inadequate among the bounty of talent here. What a blessing it’s been to have my husband here to tell me how wonderful I am. *smiles*
But no matter how I might feel – how insecure or how confident, for that matter – it’s God’s view of me that’s important. What does He see when He peers into my heart? Does He view ambition over-riding my love for Him?
This retreat in the Smoky Mountains has helped my view in a great many ways. I hope I see Christ more clearly.
Was there a recent time in your life when God adjusted your viewpoint?
You are very talented and I can see a bunch of your books as movies. Good luck!
I recently attended a communications seminar with six other people who are apologists, defenders of the Christian faith. I've gotten to know Mike Licona, author of several books on the resurrection and a debater with atheists. What was so wonderful about this seminar was watching this man who I've seen in presentations, conferences, and debates prance across the stage. Our facilitator was trying to push us out of our comfort zones and Mike was illustrating a woman coming across the stage to speak to someone else. I know it was a small thing, but to see how God can move us out of our comfort zone and prod us to take chances for His sake. It was affirming to me.
Of course, with my background in drama, I had no problem with the stage theatrics. In fact, I was encouraged to reign them in! Another change in my view point. Not everyone gets drama! Especially at an apologetic conference where I might speak.
So, God continues to surprise and amaze me with little moments that I never saw coming! And, I love it when He does!
Sounds like a great conference! I've heard of it but it's nice to hear first-hand. Keep thinking big sister, that's what got us where we are:)
Sounds like a great retreat, Andrea. God is always amazing me with how He directs my steps in places I had no idea I would be going. He has changed my view of so many things including the idea that forgiving another person doesn't mean having to also approve of what that person did. Our God is a great one for change, and I'll never ceased to be amazed at all the things He does in my life.
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