However, what should have been an exciting time—with the release of the book—was marred by personal tragedy. Just a couple days before the release, I discovered that my best friend had been involved with child pornography for many years. So much so, in fact, that he has been arrested and sentenced to spend the next ten years in a federal prison. As the grisly details surfaced on the news of what authorities found on his computer, I felt a deep black hole open up in my heart, devouring every good memory I had with my friend. We grew up together, he was the best man at my wedding, he stood by my wife’s side during her stay in the hospital after my first daughter was born. This man was a brother to me and now to discover this ...
I spent the first day I learned of his crimes crying, nearly to the point of vomiting. The next day I felt nothing but a cold emptiness as my entire outlook on so many years of friendship was painted in a new, disturbing light. I’m still processing it, and imagine I will be for many, many years to come (though I am doing better). I’m thankful to God that my own young children were not harmed by his actions, but I’m left in a weird sort of limbo—torn between being disgusted and oddly compassionate. Christ calls us to love our enemies, but He doesn’t deny that we will have enemies. People who are opposed to the things we stand for, or who could be a physical danger to us or those we love.
I do still love my friend, though I acknowledge that he has fallen into a pit of evil. Can he climb out of that pit? Only with years of therapy, perhaps—but, more importantly, the transformative power of Christ. Will he accept that, though? I don’t know. How will I respond? I don’t know that either. I confess I need some transformative power myself to overcome the conflicting feelings I have.
In some respects, Enemies of the Cross—finished long before any of this surfaced—proved to be darkly prophetic to my own life, and seems to only further prove the point of why I write horror. Why I need to write horror. I need to write about fictional monsters with claws and fangs and slime because I’ve seen—now first hand—that there are more terrible things in the real world. Incomprehensible things. I need that fictional world as a retreat, where the monsters are easy to identify and quickly vanquished by good and noble souls. Where righteousness can conquer over depravity, where hope always wins out in the end. I need that place, however fantastic it might be. Because, ultimately, I want to believe that those things aren’t just possible in fantasy, but in reality as well. God is still more powerful than all the wickedness of man and forces of hell. Christ is still in the business of righting wrongs and saving souls—even those souls we might not initially think are worthy of saving. I believe the world can still be a place where good conquers evil, where hope and faith are our only driftwood in the dark, tumultuous seas. I want to believe that... I must. Otherwise, what hope do we have?
So, I will face this the only way I know how. By lassoing the fears lurking in my heart and binding them to the page, where I will do battle with them once again.
I’m a writer. If the pen is mightier than the sword, then I have wars to wage.
Hi Greg,
First of all, congratulations on the release of your second book. I hope you sell a million! Secondly, I'm sorry that you are walking through this dark time, so much betrayal on so many levels. Be the light. Take it to the page. Wage the war.
Man, I am so sorry for your pain.
I had a best friend years ago who was like a brother to me. I stood up for him. I defended him in the times of his ministry when he was being attacked by the old school elders of our church. We ran together. We worked together on drama. We were so close to each other. And then, he betrayed that trust. I learned some things about him that others knew but would not share with me because of how that would hurt me.
The man almost went to jail and I discovered he had done this in the past. He had a long history of developing a "friendship" with very influential people in the church and then using them for financial gain and for support when his deeds were uncovered.
I was hurt beyond words. This is nothing like the pain you're going through. But, I know a little of what you're feeling. This happened over 20 years ago and I still feel the pain when I think of my friend.
What I learned is that when we put our human friends on a pedestal, they will always let us down. But, God never lets us down. I prayed for this man and he has been restored in the ministry. But, we are not friends. We never speak. The bridges are burned between us.
But, I believe God healed him and changed him and is now using him in a new ministry.
We have to keep our eyes on the foot of the cross. I will pray for you and for the healing that WILL come but slowly. Congratulations on the book. Can't wait to read it!
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