Monday, November 21, 2011

Spotlight: Spirit Blade Productions

Given the fact that I'm super behind on a number of writing projects over here (and I've been sick to boot), I'm turning the spotlight over to a fellow Christian writer who is doing some amazing things, blazing incredible trails: Paeter Frandsen and Spirit Blade Productions.

Spirit Blade Productions' mission is providing a sort of haven and gathering place for those Christians who love science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Paeter runs a blog where he talks about movies, comics, and games--while always adding a Biblical understanding to the mix.

Apart from that, SBP's focus is producing high-quality audio dramas! With a full cast, Hollywood-style special sound effects, and dynamic editing, Spirit Blade's productions play out like a big budget roller coaster ride of a movie for your mind. I'm endlessly fascinated by all that Paeter has accomplished with their flagship title Spirit Blade. So far, there are two parts released of the Christian Sci-Fi actioner Spirit Blade Trilogy . He is also in the process of adapting Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan's classic epic Christian fantasy allegory.

I did an interview with Paeter a year ago, talking about his work in the nearly lost medium of audio dramas. In high school, I was turned on to radio dramas, listening to the original The Shadow episodes, and, of course War of the Worlds. It's really an art form that many modern day audiences don't fully appreciate, but I think Paeter has gone a long way to make an audio play that appeals to the "flash-bang" desires of our modern generation. Head over to my blog to read my in-depth interview with Paeter, but more than that, check out this page and listen to the incredible trailers he's put together for their stories! Buy yourself a copy, if you're so moved, and support Paeter's work. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

For those of you who are familiar with audio dramas, which ones did you listen to? I've just discovered a Sirius radio station that plays Classic Radio Dramas, and I'm learning more about the medium every day!

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